Tuesday, April 13, 2010

40 days - Day 23

Wow! Talk about falling off track! I can certainly sympathize with Marie and anyone else who is trying to stick to something new. Not easy! Things were going well until the Easter weekend (surprise, surprise), but it's really not the food part of it that is giving me trouble, it's finding time to get the exercise in. I went to the pool on Easter Monday and they hadn't scheduled any lifeguards for some reason, so the swim was cancelled. The rest of that week was too full for me to go back until Friday. I worked some irregular hours during the day, and didn't get any running in either. This week is turning out the same way! Not good. The eating and water aspects of this 40-day adventure are actually going quite well. So, as I have been encouraging Marie to do, I need to remind myself that one day (or week) off track does not mean the end of trying! Every day is a chance to start afresh!

The main news at home has to do with teeth. Elizabeth lost her second tooth last week, and Rebekah got her first set of braces. These ones are just going to be on for three to six months, with the goal of getting her two middle top teeth over the bottom ones. She only has six brackets, but that's enough for some serious fun with colour! She chose pink and green to match her bedroom...
It's kind of hard to tell in this photo, but the walls are granny smith apple green, and the curtains and other accessories are hot pink. Now, so are her teeth! Her next set of braces will be a full set of train tracks, but that probably won't be going on for a few more years.
And in other news... our van driver's side window won't close. It went down yesterday and refuses to go back up. Off to the mechanic I go!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

40 days - Day 9

Well, I wish I had taken a picture. I had the greatest time with Elizabeth yesterday morning. She gets it in her head once in a while that she is, or should be, Hannah Montana. Yesterday was one of those days. She got herself all decked out in fancy jeans, a sparkly top, and high heels. While I was getting ready, she grabbed my round brush and, using it as a microphone, strutted around the bathroom singing whichever Hannah Montana song she could think of. It was fabulous! She actually has a great singing voice, and I tried to catch it on my Blackberry, but I can't record video with it, apparently. Too funny!
Not much else to say, though. Sunday and Monday were otherwise uneventful, and my 40 days for Marie is going well. I did 40 lengths last night in the pool and am feeling definitely better from all the things I'm doing! I can get the 40 ounces of water in much more easily now, I am completely off Diet Coke, and don't miss the junk food at all. Steve and I are talking about ways to further improve the quality of our food at home, and we seem to be making good strides! The discipline of better eating and consistent exercise is proving to be good for me and getting easier, even though I had intended it to be a way to somehow enter into the battle with Marie. Woohoo!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

40 days - Day 6

I completely forgot about writing last night. When I finished work, we helped a friend who was having car trouble and after I exercised (20 minutes of hills on the treadmill and then a 20 minute DVD weights workout), I went to bed! Yesterday was a good day - drank the water and didn't eat the forbidden foods! Today... well... today was going well until Earth Hour tonight. Steve brought out the veggie chips (yum) and made tea. We played Yahtzee with the kids. Turns out it takes over an hour for 2 adults and 4 children to finish a game of Yahtzee. Rebekah won! So, I ate after 8, ate chips and didn't exercise at all. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day! Sorry, Marie! We have to pick ourselves up and keep going!
Steve and I attended a 'Couples Connection' day today at the church. It was facilitated by our lead pastor and his wife, and featured four segments of talks by Andy Stanley. It was very well done and a worthwhile way to spend the day. It was well-attended, with about 50 couples present, and the kids had a blast in the program the youth put on for them. Jonathan missed most of it, having been at a sleep over last night and then going straight to gymnastics from 12-3 this afternoon.
I purchased a device today for loading the photos from my camera onto the computer! Yay! It's a disk reader and even came with a spare Scan Disk. Unfortunately, there wasn't much of interest! Just this lovely photo of the inside of our microwave. It's actually not ours anymore. It went in the garbage after I had a fire Monday. It was scary! The instructions on popcorn warn the person providing 'adult supervision' not to 'leave the popcorn unattended.' I thought about that warning as I left it to go to the ladies' room, shall we say, and I could hear the racket from there. I rushed back to the kitchen to a spectacular show in the microwave. I opened the door, and everything stopped, but the popcorn, sadly, was not popped, or even affected in the slightest by having been in the microwave, but the microwave was done. So, we haven't had a microwave all week. I haven't missed it, quite honestly.
The only other exciting thing to mention is that tonight we booked our trip to Virginia! Last year, we went to DC, and this year our plan is to get to Williamsburg. Let the planning begin!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

40 days - Day 4

Well, I just realized that I am out of pictures on my computer. That's due to the fact that I can't find the cable that links my camera to my computer. I'm going to go to the store where the camera was purchased and see if I can buy another cable. Too bad. So, for now, I will leave off with this picture of the lovebirds, taken around Elizabeth's birthday. Jacob gave her a sweet set of china furniture and a bear to go with it. So cute! He and his sister visited for a few hours this afternoon, and Jacob and Elizabeth spent the time playing "puppies." They are so happy together!
As for my 40 days, yesterday went well, and I did 52 lengths of the pool before I gave in to the discomfort of a cramp in my foot. Not fun. Even so, 52 lengths is 22 more than the distance I need for my race. Tonight I ran on the treadmill and listened to Robin Mark. We love his music and I found it very inspiring this evening, especially when all I wanted to do was stop running. I'm actually feeling much better without the tempting junk I usually snack on! I'm also praying a lot for Marie and her weight-loss quest! That's a good thing too!